Monday, January 10, 2011

Don't Worry

J.V. Resolution Run 5K

I'm back, I survived.  I am no frozen in place somewhere along the race course in North Park.  Not that anyone would have known, because there were no volunteers along the race course - I don't know about you, but that seems to be a vital sort of thing don't you think?  In most races there is one stationed at each turn, and maybe a few set up with some water about 1/2 way through.  Totally wasn't the case.  Even when we reached the turn-around there wasn't a non-runner in sight.  We had to just assume that the random orange cone in the middle of the road meant "Turn Around Here."  Really?!? Really?!?  Alyssa and I graded this race and they got: Organization: F, Schwag Bag: F, T-Shirt: B+ (would have been an A - it's a really nice tech shirt - but the medium was gi-normous!), Price: B-, Cause: A

One really nice thing that I like though was that it was a Team in Training event and all the members stayed and cheered until their very last person came in (who, by the way, this was her first 5k) (who also happened to be the last person in).  But I really liked the camaraderie presented by them.

1 comment:

  1. Ah yes...Starbucks! So sorry again about detouring past it. It is definitely on my calendar for this Sunday!
