Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Ikea is the devil.

I mean really. How else can you explain someone (myself for example) going in to get a nightstand and coming out with: a nightstand, a bookshelf, doors for said bookshelf, a wine rack, 7 picture frames, 4 bowls, 3 wooden spoons, a set of steak knives (and a partridge in a pear tree - haha I just crack myself up sometimes).

The real issue may be my lack of self-restraint, but I prefer to blame Ikea. Those darn Scandanavians or Swedes or Nords or whatever the heck they are. And then to make things worse nothing is assembled!

So there I was Sunday evening with all the pieces to the bookshelf laying around me, swearing up a storm because I could not make heads or tails of the instructions. Sancho just sat there, in his easy chair (yes - my dog has an easy chair), watching as his mama yelled at inanimate objects for a disgustingly long length of time.

That said though, I am quite pleased with the outcome. My dining room now looks almost complete! The moulding is up, I have the bookshelf/ cabinet thing tucked away in a little nook holding my good dishes, and I bought new white shelves to go over said cabinet to replace the old dark shelves. So it will actually look somewhat polished for my Italian night next month (BTW - Manda, I'll send you the info on Italian night). The only other big thing left to do is finish the chairs so that we're not sitting on falling apart chairs!

I'll post a couple photos tonight - now that I finally bought a new cable to connect my camera to computer, I'll be able to post more up to date photos.

Happy Tuesday! (damn Ikea)

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