and the Teddy Roosevelt finger puppet. Obviously I chose the finger puppet. My reasoning was as such: a) I was reading a biography of TR at the time; b) I was traveling and did not want to lose valuable suitcase space; and c) TR is possibly the coolest President of the US ever! Don't get me wrong though, I totally do want to eventually get the VVG doll - who couldn't love him, removable ear and all?!?
After traversing the globe, TR now sits at my desk at work and occasionally when I'm looking for an answer (or comic relief) I turn to him. An added bonus is that he is the spitting image of one of the head honchos at my office. Recently (with the creation of the White Mustache Club) I decided TR needed his fellow club members to join him, and so yesterday marked the arrival of his pals Albert Einstein and Mark Twain. I don't know if these men ever did meet each other, but how I'd love to a fly on the wall if they ever did!
Here are some photos of the club members at my desk:

TR anxiously awaiting the arrival of his friends
The three of them hanging out at my desk (literally!! they have magnets in their heads)
Mr. Mark Twain
A close-up of Mr. Twain's suit coat - little buttons and all!
And finally.... Dr. Albert Einstein
Aren't they a great bunch?!?!?!?!?
Haha, they are very cute but I worry about you sometimes!! :o)