Friday, October 1, 2010

On Sunday

Race #3 is coming up!!!  The ZooZilla 5K starts in the parking lot of the Pittsburgh Zoo and winds it's way through the zoo before ending where it began.  Not so bad, right?  Well, the Pittsburgh Zoo is in Shadyside.  Shadyside is all hills.  Ughh.  Oh yes, and Saturday Alyssa and I will have run 9 miles.  That's 2 miles farther than I have ever run.  And 9 miles more than I have ever run prior to June of this year.  It still amazes me as to how far I've progressed.  Truthfully.

I asked Becky (my sister) if she and her husband would like to do a 5K run/walk with me on Thanksgiving.  The answer was a resounding no.  I had thought that if I had a race to look forward to then maybe I would more eagerly anticipate the holiday and be more willing to travel to Indiana.  Her response has made me more inclined to stay in Pittsburgh, do the Turkey Trot 5K here, and just relax over my long holiday weekend.  And by relax I mean, clean my house from top to bottom, and start on Christmas presents.  My goal this year is to give handmade gifts to at least 75% of the people on my list.  As poor Alyssa found out the hard way, I have serious issues with the commercialism currently afflicting the holiday season.

It looks like my Christmas party will be on December 11th this year - the same day as the Jingle Bell 5K.  Because of that though, I will need to be sure that I am well enough prepared so that I can lose the morning of preparations to the run.

That's all for now, more later I'm sure!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry but I really don't feel like run/walking after having spent the previous evening on a plane from the west coast.
