Monday, May 16, 2011

To Appease My Sister

Just so my sister who lives all the way across the country will stop bothering me - here is a blog post.

Hello! I'm really frickin' busy and I have a paper due on Wednesday.  Check back Thursday if you actually want an interesting post - one that includes stories of running and volunteering and falling and basset hounds.


Here is a picture of me with said sister... she is the skinny one with pink hair - I am the not skinny one with boring brown hair.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Although I Ran a Race This Past Weekend...

I won't be posting about it today. 

Instead I am going to spend the next day or so attempting to re-repress memories which have been brought back to light with alarming clarity after having been successfully sequestered to the back of my brain for nearly 10 years.

Oh and in case you didn't know - I was living in New York City on 9/11 and watched as the towers fell - and that's all I will say about that.

nuf said