Monday, February 7, 2011

Last Weekend

To put it bluntly - it was rough.  Saturday I found out a guy I had met a couple times died and Sunday my beloved Steelers lost the Super Bowl.  At work the tone today is a somber one, but life goes on.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Like Christmas!

When arriving home from work yesterday it was like Christmas on my front porch!  I had 3 packages waiting for me there: one from Amazon, one from Anthropologie, and one from an Etsy shop.  From Amazon I got the book The New Victory Garden - it's out of print but they have used copies (I think I paid about 8 bucks including shipping).
The New Victory Garden

From Anthropologie I got some really cool disposable paper placemats.

And from The Victory Garden of Tomorrow, this awesome poster - which I plan on framing and hanging in my kitchen:

Break New Ground poster art

PS - Glasses Update:  I did buy the ones that I had posted before, just in the dark bluish/ purple color instead of black.