Friday, January 28, 2011

25 Years Ago Today

On January 28, 1986 the space shuttle Challenger seemed to explode in an orange fireball over the Atlantic Ocean.  It was the almost 19 years to the day (January 27, 1967) when fire occurred in the capsule during pre-flight tests for Apollo 1.  It was following the Challenger tragedy that January 28th was designated as NASA's National Day of Remembrance. 

The Apollo 1 fire killed all 3 astronauts: Gus Grissom (one of NASA's Original 7 astronauts), Ed White (the first man to "walk" in space), and Roger Chaffee (it was to be his first mission in space).  Inscribed on a memorial plaque located on Launch Complex 34 it states "Remember them not for how they died but for those ideals for which they lived."

File:Apollo1-Crew 01.jpg
Apollo 1 Crew: Gus Grissom, Ed White, and Roger Chaffee

The Space Shuttle Challenger was to be a great celebration: Christina McAuliffe, a teacher from New Hampshire, was to join the astronaut crew on their mission.  Schools across the country tuned in to watch the historic event, what they were witness to instead was a tragedy of unfathomable proportions.  73 seconds into their flight, the space shuttle began to break apart and disintegrate - it was later determined that the icy temperatures that morning caused a critical structural flaw in an o-ring seal on one of the rocket boosters.  The accident killed all 7 aboard : Michael Smith, Dick Scobee, Ronald McNair, Ellison Onizuka, Gregory Jarvis, Judith Resnick, and McAuliffe.  That evening, instead of the scheduled State of the Union Address, President Reagan broadcasted a eulogy from the Oval Office. In closing he quoted the poem 'High Flight' by John Gillespie Magee Jr: "We will never forget them, nor the last time we saw them, this morning, as they prepared for their journey and waved goodbye and 'slipped the surly bonds of Earth' to 'touch the face of God."

 File:Challenger flight 51-l crew.jpg
Crew of the Space Shuttle Challenger

February 3, 2003 after a fairly routine mission, the Space Shuttle Columbia was 16 minutes from landing when they lost communication with Mission Control.  The Shuttle disintegrated over Texas during reentry, spreading debris across the state and into Louisiana and Arkansas.  It was later determined that a piece of insulation foam that had broken off during lift-off had created a 6 to 10 inch hole in one of the wings.  It was not uncommon for small debris to break off and hit the shuttle, however this time the damage was significant enough to allow a breach in the heat shield.  In his address to the nation, President Bush said: "mankind is led into the darkness beyond our world by the inspiration of discovery and the longing to understand.  Our journey into space will go on."

File:Crew of STS-107, official photo.jpg
Crew of the Space Shuttle Columbia: David Brown, Rick Husband, Laurel Clark, Kalpana Chawla, Michael Anderson, William McCool, and Ilan Ramon

Four years ago, on December 9, 2006,  I had the opportunity to see the launch of the Space Shuttle Discovery - the first night-time launch since before the Columbia disaster.  After delays due to poor weather, to be able to sit back and watch the shuttle streak across the sky in a stream of light was awe-inspiring.  To feel the ground shudder and know that the shuttle program's days were numbered, it really makes one appreciate being able to witness even one launch.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The King's Speech

If you have not yet seen The King's Speech get yourself to the theater and see it! 

Colin Firth and Helena Bonham Carter were brilliant in it -well deserving of their Oscar nominations.

Geoffrey Rush was awesome as well - he got an Oscar nomination too.

The last movie I had seen in theaters was Toy Story 3, and this one was the perfect one to see on a snowy Wednesday evening.  Amazing.  Go see it.  End of story.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

More Things Posted on Etsy...

All of these are on our etsy page:


I realized I never told you what Alyssa and I were cooking up!!! We opened an Etsy shop!  It's called LondonsEllie (named for her cat and my dog) and we're selling handmade cards.
Check it out at

This is one of Alyssa's:
Turquoise and Black Embossed Thank You Card

And this is one of mine:

Cut Paper Lilo Moster Card

click on photos to link to our site!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Bleeding Black and Gold

In the frigid January air this Sunday, the Pittsburgh Steelers will be taking on the New York Jets in the AFC Championship Game here at Heinz Field.  The Weather Channel is calling for a high of 18 degrees, which means by game time at 6:30 pm the temperature could well be in the single digits.  I must echo the thoughts of several sports writers out there: this is the way football was meant to be played.  In the cold and snow, every breath visible, uncomfortable beyond measure; the only thing driving the fans out in droves is the chance to see their beloved home town team fight for a spot in the ultimate game.  That is how football should be played - reminiscent of the Ice Bowl played by the Packers and the Cowboys in 1967 where the game time temperature was -15 degrees (in case you are not up to snuff on your football history - the Packers won). 

Pittsburgh fans are unlike any other I've ever seen - and I've travelled far and wide.  No matter where in the world you are, you are always able to find fellow Steelers fans.  Even in the Canary Islands, which is where I was the last time the Steelers won the Super Bowl, there were Steelers fans - and in Barcelona, Spain, where I was for the championship game that year, there were Steelers fans. 

Today I went to the pep rally downtown, where freaky Steely McBeam was dancing onstage - seriously weird.  Even though I couldn't feel my face, hands or feet after 30 minutes there it still was exciting!!!  By the way, speaking of football weather, the weather at the rally?  16 degrees and snowing - felt like 0.  Brrrr...


Today at work one of the attorneys brought in some cakes in honor of the Steelers:

Ok, this particular picture is from earlier this week for someone's birthday, but the Troy Polamalu penguin cake is the one that Pam brought in multiples of today.  Isn't it adorable?!?

In case I don't get a chance to update before Sunday:


And with that, I leave you with a shot of our own mountain man - Brett Keisel :o)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Thursday Cuteness...

So I was looking around on Google images today trying to find a picture from a particular scene in The Great Muppet Caper - it's when they're at the supper club and it's a shot of just Fozzie Bear and he's stirring his champagne and he says, "You know, if you add enough sugar, this tastes just like ginger ale!"  Don't ask me why, but that was in my head today. 

So there I was putzing around Google when I came across this picture:

How cute is he?!?  I didn't really put 2 and 2 together, but Alyssa pointed out that he's doing the same thing that I always do, which is point to my nose!  Not quite sure why I do it or where I picked it up, but none the less it is a habit of mine. 

Oh how I heart Fozzie Bear!!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Time Has Come...

the Walrus said, to talk of many things, of shoes and ships and sealing wax, of cabbages and kings...

I figure that the time has finally come to get new glasses, after living 2 years with one of the lenses cracked in half I am tired of people staring at the crack.  What do you think of these?  They are described as "Geek Chic"

Ray Ban

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Fiesta Friday

DE COLORES -M- (3-pk) Custom Color Papel Picado Banners

There is just something about the magical alchemy of the perfect combination of Friday, Friends, Mexican Food and Margaritas that makes the rest of the week worth it.

Photo of DE COLORES -M- (3-pk) Custom Color Papel Picado Banners found on Etsy

Friday, January 14, 2011

March 23rd

And what is the significance of March 23rd you ask?  Let me give you a hint...

Did you guess?

Yup, March 23rd is when Elton John is going to be in Pittsburgh.

And who has tickets?  Oh, that would be this girl!!!!  In the center front of the upper section - and for the cheapest price too!  Alyssa, Bob and I are going and Alyssa and I are completely GEEKING OUT about it!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Apparently my phone crashed Alyssa's phone...

I didn't even know that was possible...

I'm sorry Alyssa!!!


Happy Snow Day!

And by Snow Day I mean Tuesday.  Yup, it's true, although the snows are falling steadily outside, I am still at work.  Yesterday we were allowed to leave early because of the snow - I left 45 minutes early, but only got home 10 minutes earlier than normal - that means my 15 minute drive took about 50 minutes.  The rivers are filled with ice too - it must be winter in Pittsburgh! 

So, as much as it stinks to be a part of a class action lawsuit it is quite nice to randomly get a check in the mail, which is what happened yesterday.  That surprise greatly improved my sour mood following my lengthy trek home.  As a gift to myself, and as something to possibly wear to Angelina's wedding, I bought myself a new top from Anthropologie.

Isn't it cute?!?  It also come with removable spaghetti straps if you're so inclined to wear it that way.  I figured I could wear it with a cute skirt and cardigan to work too.  AND it was on sale - even better!  If I had the money, I would fill my wardrobe with clothes from Anthropologie! 

If you could only shop at one store for the rest of your life (if money was no object), which store would you choose?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

(insert theme from Jaws here)

SO... Alyssa and I are cooking up a new little scheme.  And by Alyssa and I, I mean I cooked it up and am dragging Alyssa along.  Nyuck, nyuck, nycuck. 

"What is it?" you may ask.  But I'm not telling...

All will be revealed soon enough (also known as - Saturday).

Monday, January 10, 2011

Don't Worry

J.V. Resolution Run 5K

I'm back, I survived.  I am no frozen in place somewhere along the race course in North Park.  Not that anyone would have known, because there were no volunteers along the race course - I don't know about you, but that seems to be a vital sort of thing don't you think?  In most races there is one stationed at each turn, and maybe a few set up with some water about 1/2 way through.  Totally wasn't the case.  Even when we reached the turn-around there wasn't a non-runner in sight.  We had to just assume that the random orange cone in the middle of the road meant "Turn Around Here."  Really?!? Really?!?  Alyssa and I graded this race and they got: Organization: F, Schwag Bag: F, T-Shirt: B+ (would have been an A - it's a really nice tech shirt - but the medium was gi-normous!), Price: B-, Cause: A

One really nice thing that I like though was that it was a Team in Training event and all the members stayed and cheered until their very last person came in (who, by the way, this was her first 5k) (who also happened to be the last person in).  But I really liked the camaraderie presented by them.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Back At It

Race tomorrow... only a 5K... the weather channel is calling for snow and a high of around 22... if you don't hear from me by this time Monday assume I am still frozen in place in the park... send a search party fully equipped with my awesome snifferdo - Ellie... and a grande soy chai from Starbucks...

wish me luck :o/

Thursday, January 6, 2011


A coworker of mine has mentioned that my purchasing of books is not very green, she said "that's why God invented libraries." Well that and to save money.  But my problem is - I love books!  I buy them and read them and write in them and dog-ear the pages and read them again and again.  Sancho loved books too, but as a source of nutrition - so we won't go there.

I should also point out that I am not really one to go out and buy the latest novel, no, my book purchases usually fall into 1 of 3 categories: history/ biography, non-fiction instructional, or classic literature.  This is not saying that I haven't bought some piece of fluffy chic lit (i.e. Bridget Jones), or when Harry Potter was coming out I will admit that I did wait for each new one with baited breath.  However the majority of the chic lit I buy eventually gets passed on to friends or family with the instructions that when they're done to pass it on to someone else.

Of course this does make for an unusual selection of books on my shelves...  My current favorite oddball is an atlas from an encyclopedia from the 1970's - back when Germany was still split into East & West and when the USSR was still intact.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Green, Green, Green

Lately I've been a bit obsessed with green.  Not the color green mind you, but the concept.  Yes, it is true - I am attempting to live a greener life.  You may ask, "Why?" "Was this some sort of New Year's resolution turned mild obsession?" Well, let me explain, it all started with a book...

From Seed to Skillet From Seed to Skillet: A Guide to Growing, Tending, Harvesting, and Cooking Up Fresh, Healthy Food to Share with People You Love

I had first seen this book weeks ago listed on Anthropologie and it piqued my interest.  I read more reviews about it and it is now on my doorstep at home, just waiting for me to release it from the confines of the cardboard box in which it currently resides.  However I did make sure to order it a friend...

In Defense of Food  In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto

I had previously read Michael Pollan's The Omnivore's Dilemma and was quite moved by that message, and so I felt the follow-up book would be worth reading.

I will let you know how these books turn out - I cannot wait to get home and read them! (I have been in an old book rut and needed some new perspective).