Thursday, June 25, 2009

R.I.P. Michael Jackson

So I was never a huge fan, but Stacy would listen to his old school stuff all the time and Blame It On The Boogie always takes me back to a certain point in my life, so for that I say - Thank you and R.I.P. Michael Jackson.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

When Dinosaurs Invade Work

I don't know why

But things like this

Just make me happy

Friday, June 19, 2009

Adorable Pregnant People

Ok, so I know two amazing, adorable pregnant people who are both FABULOUS!

First is Leanna:

We met on ECB, where we were roommates for half of the tour. She married Jason, the electrician from the same tour, and now they live in Dayton with their puppy Soju (yes, like the Korean liquor)

This is Soju:

And then there is adorable Heather, who is due in August, and is my boss at the art museum...

I made her a cute, pink, girly diaper bag...

I'm not sure... But I think she liked it

Thursday, June 18, 2009


I just finished the diaper bag for Heather - it's too sweet. Tomorrow I'll post a pic of her with the bag - she's so cute and pregnant, it's adorable. I also need to post my pic of Leanna - she's 4 months pregnant and has a cute little belly. Both expecting girls, I'm getting a little tired of pink - oh well.

Here's my baby, who gets to come home in two weeks:

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


I'm getting a bloodhound puppy! On July 6th, I am picking him up from the breeder. I know his last name will be Cerevantes, but I'm still working on his first 2 names. Isn't he precious?!?!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I'm going stir-crazy. I need to go somewhere. And I want a bloodhound. It's the little things in life.