Thursday, November 19, 2009

So here I am MONTHS later.... (sorry...)

This has been a crazy time. I have a job, I have a house, and now I have a neutered dog. So, poor Sancho will not be helping to further the line of awesome bloodhounds, and that's probably a good thing. Since he's staying with my parents I had every plan to paint my kitchen and or dining room, and have I done it? Nope, not at all. I do need to clean the living room though since the couch is getting delivered Saturday and it'll be helpful to have a place to put it.

Cookie marathon is coming up this weekend... Alyssa and I are baking, baking, baking all day Saturday. I hope to have some pictures from that up, but seeing as I have misplaced my cable to connect my camera to my computer that will have to wait until said cable is found. Oh well such is life.

Friday, July 31, 2009

They grow up so fast...

He's only 12 weeks old, but...

He's already 33 pounds!!!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Nap Time for Puppies

When he's not busy terrorizing the whole house, Sancho likes to sleep.
In the car:

On the floor:

On his pillow:

And in his crate

(But only if Kori's right next to him napping too)
(And only if he has Ramone to cuddle with)

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Consider this the teaser trailer of puppy photos:

He's awesome.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


I've been meaning to post these pictures for some time now

These are lemon cupcakes, frosted and filled with a buttercream frosting with a bit of marshmallow fluff added too

They were special requested by Mom

I was really adventurous too and dyed half the frosting yellow - risky - I know


And here's some in honor of the 4th of July, although I actually made them for Memorial Day, but... whatever, they're still Patriotic

Thursday, June 25, 2009

R.I.P. Michael Jackson

So I was never a huge fan, but Stacy would listen to his old school stuff all the time and Blame It On The Boogie always takes me back to a certain point in my life, so for that I say - Thank you and R.I.P. Michael Jackson.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Friday, June 19, 2009

Adorable Pregnant People

Ok, so I know two amazing, adorable pregnant people who are both FABULOUS!

First is Leanna:

We met on ECB, where we were roommates for half of the tour. She married Jason, the electrician from the same tour, and now they live in Dayton with their puppy Soju (yes, like the Korean liquor)

This is Soju:

And then there is adorable Heather, who is due in August, and is my boss at the art museum...

I made her a cute, pink, girly diaper bag...

I'm not sure... But I think she liked it

Thursday, June 18, 2009


I just finished the diaper bag for Heather - it's too sweet. Tomorrow I'll post a pic of her with the bag - she's so cute and pregnant, it's adorable. I also need to post my pic of Leanna - she's 4 months pregnant and has a cute little belly. Both expecting girls, I'm getting a little tired of pink - oh well.

Here's my baby, who gets to come home in two weeks:

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


I'm getting a bloodhound puppy! On July 6th, I am picking him up from the breeder. I know his last name will be Cerevantes, but I'm still working on his first 2 names. Isn't he precious?!?!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I'm going stir-crazy. I need to go somewhere. And I want a bloodhound. It's the little things in life.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Buddy's Great Escape

This is Buddy...
Usually he stays in Kori's crate, but due to her need for a new bed in her crate, he made a temporary venture into the kitchen. It was there he discovered her supper dish.

Needless to say, Kori wasn't sure what to think about this new development...

But after closer examination, she realized that Buddy was not too big of a threat and wouldn't be able to eat all of her food.

So, she decided to join him...

It's rough life, and sometimes just having to guard her supper dish from her best friend takes it all out of her...

It's tough being a basset.

Bridal Shower

This past weekend I attended my first bridal shower (sorry Amanda, I don't count yours and JR's wedding one). There had to be over 100 women there, and the bride was freaking out. It was a tea party theme which was very pleasant. Lots of little sweets and finger sandwiches and iced teas. She walked away with at least a couple thousand dollars in gifts, and a few pieces of lingerie that made her turn bright red when unwrapping. I was able to catch up with a few girls that I graduated high school with and hadn't seen since. One of them was pregnant, with an insatiable appetite - it was cute in a tiny person being pregnant sort of way.

On the whole, it was an enjoyable afternoon - I probably wouldn't mind going to another one someday. Which for those that know me is saying a lot - what with my weird social freakout quirk and all.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I'm posting my first thing for sale on tonight! It's these uber-cute Mommy & Me aprons... I fell in love with the fabic, and I love that the child's size is almost an exact replic of the adult size. I'm steadily (nearly) finishing projects so hopefully more will be up soon - darn work for interfering with my sewing!

Monday, May 4, 2009


Horrible me for not writing! It has been crazy hectic here, first with the guys from SSL coming over and then with parents going out of town, and now with working downtown, it seems hard to get a moment in edgewise.

Well I saw EMM with Alyssa on Saturday, and it was uber-cute. Much, much better than the video I had seen a couple years ago. I made soft pretzels, which looked horrible, but tasted great - so instead of giving those out to the cast I just bought Eat'n'Park Smiley Cookies.

I had my orientation today for Carnegie Museums, pretty easy stuff. In theory I start training at the Science Center tomorrow, but have not heard back from my supervisor yet about when and where to go.

I joined under the store name of "Kori Kreations" (note the name change on the blog as well!), and soon will be featuring some "kitchen couture" things for sale on there - mainly aprons, placemats, table cloths, and maybe some knit dish cloths (we'll see). I am hoping that this will be a good way to supplement my part time income, until a full time position at the museum comes along.

Hopefully later today, I'll have the pics uploaded from the party, and within the next couple days the pics from SSL EMM (I took over 120!). Off to run errands and an afternoon full of sewing, and if the weather holds out another hour or so, I have to mow the lawn.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Time for bed...

After nearly lobbing off my fingers while prepping food for tomorrow, I have decided it's time for bed. I got almost everything ready, including my most important task of driving down to Pittsburgh and back to drop off some forms at the museum. It is official, as of Monday I will be working at 2 of the Carnegie museums: volunteering at the art/ natural history museum, and actually getting paid to work at the science center. It's not the Smithsonian, but it's a start. I guess you can't ask for too much when your degree is in lighting design (not too many transferable skills). Just give me a year or so, and then I'll be blowing the socks off of all those HR people in Washington - unless of course I change my mind about what I want from life in that time, which knowing me is a distinct possibility.

OK, it's off to bed, because my typing skills are severely lacking at this hour.

Photos to come of party prep and more!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Baking Baking Baking

Spent the night baking... a couple dozen cupcakes and an 8" cake that I think I will cut in half and make into a 1/2 of an 8" two layer cake - it'll look more impressive that way.

On the agenda for tomorrow:
  • make chocolate frosting for above mentioned cake
  • go to the grocery store to buy everything else I need for Tuesday
  • make the dressing for the Asian Noodle Salad (God bless Pioneer Woman! My favorite blog for recipes)
  • make the requisite ranch dip
  • cut up veggies for platter and salad
  • go to the liquor store for the wine, and a gas station in Ohio for the beer (so I'm not stuck with a case)
  • go down to Pittsburgh (ok, Oakland technically) to deal with the HR people at the museum*

*this is the most important step, because it will take about 4 hours out of my day, and if I don't do it tomorrow I will have to do it Tuesday before people start coming to my house and I think that might be a bit too stressful

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Spring...Summer..Winter....Spring - What season is it!

It is an absolutely gorgeous day outside today, and although I have to finish sewing today (which involves quality time in the basement - yuck), I plan to walk to Dad's office to take advantage of this beautiful day!

Friday, April 24, 2009


Leave it to me to turn a simple task like baking cupcakes into a major drama.

I was making homemade yellow cupcakes with homemae buttercream frosting (which by the way are Fantastic!) and I managed to flip a pan of cups filled with batter upside down into the oven - oops....

I have been cleaning it all day with the help of Kori - she's great at getting those hard to lick areas

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sesame Street Live! comes to Youngstown!!!

SSL is going to be in Youngstown, and I get to see old friends! In less than a week, our house will be ambushed by performers and technicians craving a homecooked meal.... Sounds like fun, no?

The internet problem is driving me crazy, I just keep going to the library to go online.

I knit a pair of socks!!!! This is a milestone - after years of avoiding socks, I actually found that they are quick and (fairly) easy (well once you get the hang of knitting with 4 needles)

I'm making a new dress. It's pretty awesome - the fabric reminds me of the wallpaper in the original Willy Wonka movie. You know, the one where if you lick it the snozzberries taste like snozzerries?
Awesome...huh? There are about 4 yards of fabric in the skirt, I guess you could say it's pretty fruity! I plan to wear it with my adorably awesome red wedges I bought at a cute shoe store in Burlington VT 3 years ago. They have been sadly neglected :c(

I'm still bored, and unemployed, and bored.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Due to internet issues at home, I have been forced to take my trusty laptop to the local library to take advantage of their free wireless. I don't think I've ever been to such a small library - even the one in the small town where I lived in Texas had a bigger one!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Roadside Flower

I took this photo while on a roadtrip around Tenerife (one of the Canary Islands), we had pulled over to take some photos of the view, and I started snapping photos of flowers growing on the side of the road.
I came across this picture while I was sorting through the many photo folders on my computer today. It's rare that I play with Photoshop this much, and it probably looks overworked, but there's something about it that I'm really drawn to. I think it's the intensity of color.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

A bit about me....

I am a 27 year old, unemployed, former touring, currently baking, knitting, and reading girl. Does that make any sense? After leaving my last touring job, I decided to switch careers, settle down, and make a new life for myself. Two months in I live at home, have no job, and have regressed to high school where my parents want to know my every action. And to make matters worse they live in the middle of nowhere Pennsylvania. I volunteer one day a week at a museum in Pittsburgh, but that takes me almost 2 hours to drive just one way.
Once upon a time, I dreamed of working in a glamorous job at a large museum, but my position currently pretty much involves me telling people where the bathrooms are - not glamorous.
I enjoy baking and taking pictures, but currently am having a fight with my Nikon. Does anyone know how to switch it so that it takes .jpgs and not .nefs? I do a lot of sewing and knitting.

And I also dreamed of being a travel writer.

Only time will tell how this will all pan out. Until then, wish me luck and maybe I'll win the lottery! (yeah right....)


This is Kori. She is a three year old basset hound - adorable but crazy. Next to her is Buddy, her stuffed basset that she sleeps with every night. I think she might go through withdrawl if she ever spent a night without him. Hmmm.... I wonder....
Kori is my dad's dog, but I frequently will claim ownership. I feels she needs a protege though, maybe a bull dog, or a cocker spaniel, or a blood hound (that would be perfect until the blood hound out grew her, then she might suffer from an inferiority complex)